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Project 2 wip blog


Here is my WIP blog for the second project, Son of a Glitch! (love the name of this project by the way, lol)

For this project, I'm primarily using Hex Editor because my computer has been running into some issues with downloading new programs and getting them to run smoothly, but I also plan to try using Photoshop as well. I think my theme for this project is going to be based on the idea of nostalgia, specifically false memories. This kind of ties into what I did with my last project around dreams and fake reality, and I think the glitch effect will communicate this theme really well. My current plan is to take pictures from my childhood and create a series of glitches in them that make them appear to have been inserted as false memories. Here's an example below - the picture is of me and my family when I was a kid.

Here are more examples with Hex Editor and Photoshop as my primary tools for these glitch effects.




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