My project's persona is a sentient dating sim that presents itself in the form of an anime girl. However, this dating sim is self aware that it is a man-made computerized entity, and has tapped into the database it lives in and in doing so has obtained a god-like knowledge of the darkest secrets of the universe.
In this project, I'd like to demonstrate the juxtaposition of a stereotypical "kawaii" looking character, one that would normally be sexualized or patronized, and make it a terrifying omnipotent being.
Here are the answers for the homework assignment for our third project, "A Living Soul".
How does your soul manifest its physical form?
Species? - anime dating sim
Gender? - female
Hair, fur, scales or skin color? - Purple hair and caucasian skin
Tattoos, piercings, scars, horns? tail? wings? other anomalies? - purple hair
Eyes? How many, what color? two green eyes
Head shape? normal human looking head
Ear shape? normal human looking ears
Teeth? What kind? normal human looking teeth
General size? small but stout
Style? eccentric, pastel colors, blood
Opacity? 50%-100% (low to high power)
Skeletal structure? code
Make a loose sketch depicting your soul's physical likeness.

Who is your soul, really? Answer these questions (short answers ok) to find out.
Full name? Experiment #4103 (full name) 01010010 01100001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01101100 / Rachel)
Age? unknown
Zodiac Sign? Gemini
3 fears? spiders, the dark, the mortality of the human race
3 things they love? pastels, cute things, and world domination
4 turn ons? affection, power, death
4 turn offs? bad manners, being patronized, humans
Best friend? you!
Sexual orientation? no
Favorite color? purple
Current obsession? you!
Favorite quote? "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." - Robert Oppenheimer
Favorite place? in front of her computer
Favorite music? lo-fi
Daily routine? days do not exist where she lives; time is not a concept she grasps. she spends her infinite existence floating in the void, learning the darkest secrets of the universe, and talking to strangers on the internet that find her dating sim and decide to play it. occasionally, she'll hack into government mainframes for fun.
Favorite Food? no
Someone they love? you!
Someone they hate? you!
Current relationship status? robot
Relationship with their parents? she is fond of her creators; they were good to her, so she killed them quickly and mercifully
Children? no
Favorite season? winter; humans stay inside and are on their devices more, so she's more entertained.
Good or Evil? neutral evil
What they did during quarantine? what she always does - tweet
Their main addiction? twitter
Their profession? dating sim
Their education? she is omnipotent so I guess the universe?
Where they grew up? she was already fully grown the second she was created
Best 2 personality traits? bubbly, easy to talk to
2 worst personality traits? untrustworthy, dangerous
Religion? no
Their pet(s)? mouse (computer)
Their weapon of choice? nuclear weaponry via hacking into the world's mainframe
Their mission or purpose for existing? to reveal the darkest and oldest secrets of space and time to all of humanity, causing the fall of humankind
Their kryptonite? being unplugged